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时间:2022-10-22     作者:理想现实距离心理咨询【转载】   来自:心理咨询网上平台

If only life went exactly as we imagine it would go … things would be so much easier!


要是生活能像我们想象的那样进行…… 一切都会更加容易!

Unfortunately, in my dozens and dozens of habit changes, I’ve never once had a change go exactly as I’d envisioned. The reality is always different.


Here’s the thing: that difference can be an interesting surprise, or it can absolutely derail you.


I'll give you a few examples.


Example 1: Waking early: When I plan to start waking up earlier, I have this rosy ideal about how nice it will be to get up when it’s quiet, and use my day productively. I’ll meditate, write, read, exercise, do some yoga … life is going to be amazing!

例一 · 早起:当我计划早起,我会有着美好的憧憬,想象着起床时四周宁静是多么美好,想象着我将能高效地利用这一天。我会冥想,写作,阅读,锻炼,做瑜伽…… 生活会很美妙!

Then I start waking early, and the reality is much different: I am tired, I’m moving slowly, my meditation is fuzzy because I’m tired, I don’t write as well when I’m still waking up, I don’t feel like exercising.


I can become very disappointed with this reality, and in myself. Or I can embrace the deliciousness of being tired, and see it as a thing to be curious about.


I can continue with waking early, but instead of thinking I know how things will turn out, I can simply see what it’s like. Take a stance of not knowing, rather than thinking things will match my fantasies. And explore.


Example 2: Exercise: I always have an incredible plan for when I start a new exercise program. I’m going to do a hardcore squat program. Or an ambitious running program. Or some kind of intense Crossfit-style plan. Oh man, I am going to be so fit, and people will admire my new quads!

例二 · 锻炼:我总是会雄心勃勃的计划着要何时开始新的锻炼项目。我会计划完成剧烈的深蹲训练,或者高强度跑步计划,或者剧烈的 Crossfit 训练(国外的一种高强度健身法)。哦,天啊,我肯定会看起来非常健壮,人们会羡慕我的股二头肌!

Then when I start doing the program, not only is it way harder than I imagined, but I struggle to stay with it, and even when I’m able to stay on plan, I might get injured.


Or I’m super sore, walking around like a stiff zombie, then for my next workout I can’t push through the soreness. Turns out, my body needs a little more rest than I thought, and I should ramp up to intense workouts more slowly. Who would have guessed?


I can become disappointed with my body, with the reality that meets my optimistic self. Or I can see this as a learning opportunity, and a chance to adjust my thinking and my exercise plan. When met with the cold hard face of reality, we can adjust our plans to be adapted for that reality.


We don’t have to grip tightly to the original plan, stubbornly trying to make reality conform with our ideals. Adjusting means we learn to be adaptable, flexible, fluid. This is one of the many lovely benefits of meeting reality.


Example 3: Writing a book: When I decide to write a new book, it’s interesting to note what my ideals are. I have this fantasy of being an amazing writer, who just blows minds and changes lives.

例三 · 写书:“好,我决定写一本新书!” 且慢!别光是听我说,先看看我的理想,蛮有趣的。我幻想成为一名不可思议的作家,让人们脑洞大开,从此改变他们的生活。

People will not only be impressed by the wisdom and richness of my writing, they’ll throw their money at me in gratitude. I’ll wake early, write like a maniac, come back to revise and craft my tender words, and then publish within weeks, triumphantly.


I’m sure you can guess that reality throws some cold water on that fantasy, right quick. When I start writing, I first have to deal with the demon of procrastination.


I’ll want to check email, read my favorite blogs, clean my house, do some “research” (those quotes don’t mean something dirty — the research is just an excuse to google things and put my writing off). I’ll fall behind schedule, be less than enthused about the project, and enjoy the writing a lot less than I thought I would. It feels like drudgery, not bliss.

我想查看一下邮件,读一读最喜欢的博客,打扫房子,做些 “研究”(这里打引号的研究不是什么见不得光的事 —— 我没在网上乱搜什么让人心神不宁的东西。所谓研究,只不过是我用 Google 搜索、拖延写作的借口而已)。我会落后于写作日程,热情减退,没有像预想的那样享受写作过程。写作变得像是苦差事,一点幸福感也没有。

This can derail me, and it has in the past. But my best response is to accept this reality, to see the humor in it (laugh at myself for my hilarious ideals), to find curiosity in the process, to find joy in the small moments of creation.


Sure, people aren’t worshipping at my writing god feet, but I am connecting with people through my writing, I’m connecting with my inner, unseen self, and I’m connecting with the written word and all other writers in a way that I don’t fully understand. This is fascinating and something to appreciate at a level of detail that fantasy can’t match.

没错,人们不会把我当成 “写作天王” 膜拜我,但是写作能让我与人们产生连接,与内在那个没有被看到的自己产生连接,与文字和其他作者以一种无法言说的方式产生连接。这是一种美妙和值得感激的事情,是幻想无法触及的细节。

The Takeaway: Be Open


As you can see, the reality of life change doesn’t come close to what we idealize it to be. When we hit the ground of reality, we are never prepared for its actuality. And for many (myself included), that can be disappointing, frustrating, derailing.


But it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. If we are open to this different reality, instead of rejecting it, we can:


Accept this new reality


Be curious about it


See it as a learning opportunity


Find gratitude in the small details of it


Find joy in the small moments of it


Adjust our plans, and learn to be flexible, fluid


Embrace the deliciousness of drudger, or being tired or sore


Explore with a stance of not knowing


This is how we can meet the cold, hard reality of our actual changes. And it can be magnificent.






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